Clive Davis

Clive Davis has been Chairperson of the Cork LGBT+ Pride Festival for the past 11 years and has piloted Cork Pride's strategic development from a small local Pride march into a national weeklong LGBT+ Festival; he has also achieved Charitable Status for Cork Pride, which we were awarded last year - we are the first and only Pride organisation to have achieved this in Ireland. Clive is currently a Regional Director with Youth Work Ireland, Manages Youth Work Ireland Laois, is Co-Chair for the InterPride Governance Board, Co-Chair of the Ireland Pride Network, and a Board Member and current Treasurer of LGBT Ireland. Clive was also the former Community Co-ordinator of the Cork Gay Project where he also gave site specfic D&I training; he was Volunteers Coordinator for the Yes Equality Cork Campaign, and was Regional Co-ordinator of the LGBT Helpline.
Friday 9am to 2pm 30th July 2021
Conference Opening
Session Sponsor